Speech On Eco Friendly Products

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Going green and selecting the right eco friendly products for you and your family is of the utmost importance not only for your health, but also for our environment and the future of our children as well. Unfortunately, there is so much information out there that it can be extremely confusing as to exactly how to go about choosing the best eco friendly products to use. Therefore, we are going to cover in detail how to select the eco friendly products that are best suited for you and your family. What Are Eco Friendly Products? Well, eco friendly products are considered anything that doesn 't harm the environment and that means from start to finish. In order to be considered a green product, the item must be eco friendly from the manufacturing, …show more content…

That means you need to sit down and assess everything in your life from your lifestyle, to the products you use, to the way you use those products then make the changes necessary to go green. For example, you can start by studying the products you use and check into its eco friendly counterpart then make the switch. You should then assess your home, appliances and your lifestyle habits to see where you could make some changes in a way that would conserve energy and protect the environment. Then you could learn to recycle and implement that as one of your lifestyle changes and so on. How Do I Choose Eco Friendly Products? Actually, choosing eco friendly products is fairly easy as there are only a few basic principles for you to follow. • Always look for products that have been made with recycled or repurposed materials. These items can be handmade, recycled or repurposed in any way. • Choose products that are made using sustainable materials. For example, bamboo grows very quickly and is grown without pesticides. Bamboo can be used as wood or as fibers that are used to make fabrics and so on. And since it grows so quickly, it 's considered a sustainable …show more content…

These are products that are made without using chemicals or pesticides. • Lastly, you need to consider how those products are shipped and look for a carbon-neutral shipping company. A company who states they are a carbon-neutral shipping company simply means they plant trees and actively work to promote other ecological projects to help balance out the pollution and other effects their processing has on the environment. What Are Some Eco Friendly Products? There are plenty of eco friendly products out there you just have to know what to look for. And you can start by assessing each product by the qualifying factors we mentioned above. Then you can look at your lifestyle to see where you can make some changes. Here are some examples of eco friendly products that are extremely easy to implement into any lifestyle. Paper Products. Replace as many paper products with cloth as possible. For example, you could replace your paper napkins with cloth napkins and your disposable diapers with cloth diapers. And while disposable diapers are convenient, you are exposing your infant to the harmful chemicals used to make them, which is just another great reason to make the

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