Special Needs Ministry Study Guide

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Psalm 139:14 says, “I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” God created every single one of us for a reason, for a purpose. He made us all unique and special in His eyes. His desire is for us to praise and serve Him using the gifts and talents given to us by Him. When we create a church environment where we all are loved and made to feel welcome, we are being the hands and feet of Jesus. When you reach out to families affected by disability, you are fulfilling the mandate as stated in Luke 14. When you begin disability ministry in your church, you are reflecting God’s love in your community and on the right path to become an Irresistible Church. An Irresistible Church is “an authentic community …show more content…

Others of you may be in the beginning stages. In her book titled “Special Needs Ministry”, Pat Verbal says special needs ministries are ministries aimed at meeting the spiritual needs of those who have disabilities. A special needs ministry (or disability ministry) reaches out to children and adults with disabilities of all ages as well as their families. In many cases, friends who have disabilities can benefit the most from inclusion with their peers. While Jesus was on this Earth, he spent most of his time with people who had disabilities. He included everyone he encountered. We can share this love with others and use this model that Jesus set for us by having relationships with people with disabilities and welcoming them into our churches. Forming a disability ministry does not necessarily involve starting a new program from the ground up. It’s about having an open heart, an open mind, and a willingness to do things a little bit differently. All people are invited to participate in God’s church and ministry and friend, I would like to give you some tools and tips to help you. When you venture into the world of disability ministry, He will equip us with the ability to allow all feel loved and …show more content…

Teaching friends with special needs can sometimes require intentional planning, teaching, and training. Intentional planning can help you reach ALL students in your class of ALL abilities. All children have unique styles of learning. Getting to know each individual in your class as well as intentional planning can help you meet the needs of every friend in your class. If you do create (or already have) a special needs ministry, there is a chance that some of your friends may have short attention spans, impulsiveness, trouble with motor skills, mood changes, problems with social interaction and unpredictable behavior. Disabilities you may see in your church include physical disabilities, hearing impairments, visual disabilities, learning disabilities, and intellectual impairments. To assist you in effectively reaching each friend in your class, it can be helpful to understand these different disabilities. It can also be helpful if you become familiar with some behavior modification techniques (figuring out the meaning behind behaviors), curriculum adaptations (making changes to your lesson to help reach every student), and new ways to set up your classroom environment. These three proactive approaches can help your programs in church run smoothly and hopefully allow you the ability to teach effectively. These approaches can be useful in teaching Sunday School, in holding

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