Spartan Daily Life

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My impression regarding the comparison of the likely daily lives of the citizens of Athens and Sparta is that they were two very different things. The differences hold true for men, women and children alike. In this discussion I have focused on the "average" person with the understanding that the roles of people of higher or lower social elevation surely led different lives.

A man's life in Sparta was lived in support of the State, every responsibility he had was directed to the benefit of Sparta. His purpose as a person was to defend and enlarge the nation as a warrior. His purpose as a husband and father was to strengthen the nation, "family life" was a tertiary concern at best, behind warrior status, warrior production and possibly even …show more content…

He could be a business owner, a tradesman, a laborer, a teacher, there were options for him. He would probably follow the family trade, but he did not have to. Whether any of these routes would make him wealthy or not was up to chance. An Athenian man had a family life, he would live with his (wholly subservient) wife and his children. Should he wish to he could participate in public life in a tangible way if he was bold or loud enough (Mark, 2011). His level of participation would have been limited by his wits and the luck of the draw. His wealth would surely play a part, but it was not as vital as in …show more content…

They were educated, participated in home life and were often trained into a family trade. They surely loved their mother and father in a way that we would find familiar. I cannot really figure out what a Spartan child's relationship with his/her parents would have been like, especially for the boys. Would they love and miss their mothers in a way that we could identify with? Or would the cultural norm of entering the Agoge at age seven cause her to be regarded as more of a caretaker, raising him only until he was old enough to enter into the service he was born for? With no such separation for girls I can understand how a much more affectionate relationship could develop, at least with

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