South Africa

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Why is the murder rate so high in South Africa?
South Africa is located east of South America at the southern tip Africa; it is surrounded by the East Indian Ocean and the West Atlantic Ocean. The reason South Africa is in stage three of the demographic transition theory is because the CBR has dropped to twenty-one in 2013, but the CDR and population are still growing. Infant mortality rate has decreased compared to in 2004 when it was fifty- two. This makes them in stage three because they have moderate growth. (Gapminder) There still is a lot of poverty in South Africa. For this reason, people can murder each other so easily, even over witchcraft. Some reason’s the murder rate in South Africa has increased is because of the witchcraft, health, and white farmers.
Murder rates in South Africa increased due to witchcraft between 2002-2005. The murder rates went from forty- six to seventy- one murders per 100,000 people. On gapminder the burn per 100,000 people spiked in 2004 to 9.8 from 5.3 in 2002. In addition, total deaths from murders in 2004 were 32,303. (Gapminder) This spike in 2004 was due to a major problem with witchcraft. There still is a problem with people murdering other people over witchcraft. On gapminder there was a peak in burning murders in 2004. This is because a lot of people and their whole families got burned if they where suspected to be doing witchcraft. Still to this day there are reports on the Internet of murders because of witchcraft suspensions. Something sad about this is it does not matter how old you are you will get murdered. There is a report on the Internet about a nine-month-old baby that got burned with his young brother and sisters that were not even over ten. (SARPA) People disagree with ...

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...ue to witchcraft and white farmers being killed over peoples own beliefs and suspensions. The crime rate in South Africa is out of control. The crime rate has slowly gotten better with big things like murder, but then things have gotten worse on some parts. The future of South Africa is looking like a roller coaster. Unless the government gets these crimes under control those people are going to keep doing the same things they do and it will only grow worse. Just from seeing the CDR increase in 2013 is not a good sign that they are getting better with crime whether it is small or big.

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