Unraveling Past Lives: Love, Lust and Reincarnation

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LOVE, LUST, and REINCARNATION is a script that explores the concept of past lives. There are solid themes about grieving and healing. There are also insightful messages about learning to move on from the past. The script offers some spectacular scenery, especially at the windmill.

The goal for the protagonist is clear and the stakes for him are personal. The script clearly conveys the idea that the protagonist, Jack, is deeply driven by his inner conflict and by his guilt. He has the ability to remember his past lives. The concept of him being a “soul tracer” feels appealing and has the potential to make for a strong hook.

While the premise of being a soul searcher or tracer feels exciting, the script would benefit from more development in the areas of structure, pace, and tension, as …show more content…

He goes off on his own odyssey, returns, and it’s Amanda who has a change of heart and attitude. Jack doesn’t really have to do anything to get Amanda back. In other words, he hasn’t earned it. In addition, it’s not clear why Amanda has changed her mind about Jack.

The other area to examine is the tone. It presents more as a drama, although there are some humorous moments, like the lobster. The concern about the tone is that it’s way too depressing. The shooting of a pregnant female and then the suicide, makes for a very dark story.
To make this work, the overall tone would have to be much darker and more consistent. Consider a backstory that’s not so dark and depressing.

Focus flashbacks only on the love between Jack (Ralph) and Laura and convince the audience they were in love. Maybe she got sick and died, or maybe she was hit with a car or drowned. With Amanda, consider making her the opposite of Laura, and maybe Jack tries to make Amanda “be” Laura. Maybe add more suspense regarding the idea if Amanda really is the born again Laura or not. Maybe Jack just wants her to

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