Soul Surfer Themes

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You might believe that Soul Surfer and Rise Above have totally different themes based on how the stories are written and told. But the truth of the matter is that Soul Surfer and Rise Above both have a theme of overcoming challenges. In Soul Surfer the theme is mostly about never giving up helps you conquer your challenges. She shows that you can't give up on yourself because you will never get anywhere. In Rise Above the theme is that believing in God and keeping the faith in him help you overcome challenges. The author is explaining that if you just have faith in yourself and God, you will get through it. Both texts have the same theme, and the author used Inner thinking, flashbacks and first person to show this in both texts. Bethany Hamilton showed a similar theme throughout Soul Surfer and Rise Above. One way she showed this through both texts is through flashbacks. On pages three and four in Soul Surfer, Bethany said,¨It came literally out of the blue. I had no warning at all. The water was crystal clear and calm...then suddenly there was a flash of …show more content…

Others may claim that Bethany Hamilton is not an inspirational character just because she lost her arm to a shark. In Rise Above it also shows that you can't always count on God with every little problem, you have to try harder in order to be successful. So this proves that just by never giving up on herself and believing in her faith and God she became a professional surfer just like she was planning to before her shark attack. She kept going after her dream and she conquered what she wanted without anything taking away that from her. In Soul Surfer Bethany never gave up and she kept trying even though she had to retrain herself how to surf. Overall, it is definitely true that you can't give up on yourself because you always need to keep trying and that's just what Bethany did, she kept

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