Sorcerer's Stone Themes

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In J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone”, different philosophical themes are incorporated in the book as Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione, explore Hogwarts and attempt to protect the sorcerer’s stone. One philosophical theme in particular, truth, plays an important role throughout various chapters in the story.
In Harry Potter, there are many instances within the novel in which the truth is revealed to Harry and his friends. As each truth is discovered, the events within the novel begin to make more sense to both the characters within the story and the reader. The first instance in the novel in which the truth is revealed is when Hagrid tells Harry that he is a wizard. “With a mum an’ dad like yours, what else would yeh be?” Hagrid asks Harry, essentially revealing another truth while doing so. Harry, very confused, is then given his letter of admittance into Hogwarts. This first revelation comes as a shock to Harry, though the truth explains the strange coincidences that had occurred to him in the beginning of the novel. For example, Harry being a wizard explains why the snake at the zoo spoke to Harry and it also explains why Harry’s hair grows back so fast. So essentially, the truth in this case …show more content…

“Yeah – he’s mine – bought him off a Greek chappie I met in a pub las’ year – I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the” Hagrid tells them. Eventually, he accidently tells them that Fluffy is guarding something and that the business concerning it is between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel. Upon hearing Nicholas Flamel’s name, Harry, Ron, and Hermonie eventually find out who he is and his connection to the sorcerer’s stone. With this revelation, the truth about the three-headed dog and the sorcerer’s stone is essentially revealed to both the characters within the book and the

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