Song By Christina Rossetti Essay

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Death is considered a life event of uncertainty that is often not casually discussed. Many people dwell on the tragic loss of a family member or friend but don’t realize that eternal life can be better than earthy life and provide individual peace. In the poem, “Song” by Christina Rossetti, there is a theme of a love for life and death and the poem is written to comprehend how they are divided. Rossetti begins the poem by telling her beloved significant other to avoid singing sad songs or putting plants on her grave. She doesn’t even care to be remembered nor is she moved by knowing how others will feel after she passes away. The writer uses the symbol of beautiful things in the world to describe how life is indeed appealing and other Earthly …show more content…

In line 5, the speaker wants of only nature around her burial is more understood when she states, “Be the green grass above me” (Rosetti 5). It is clear that only the things naturally from the Earth will make her happy and content. Flowers can give feelings of love and care but she doesn’t want them, so it is inferred that she has no expectations for her “dearest” to dwell on her loss and she's okay with her lover moving on. As the second stanza begins she uses a great amount of imagery to illustrate the theme of the poem and the symbolism. The second stanza starts by saying “I shall not see the shadows / I shall not feel the rain” (Rossetti 9-10). She begins to explain why she feels how she does and why it’s not important to remember her. The speaker continues to let the ones she's left know that after she passes she won't be able to perceive anything and her physical life is over so its okay to move on because she has too. She is free of worldly issues and suffering in life so she doesn't want any mourning. Since she has no worries or reasons to be sad, she wants her loved ones to have the same

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