Song Analysis Of 'Losing Control' By Russ Vitale

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Losing Control Explication Have you ever been in a relationship where the roots ran so deep that you could feel the tree you and your significant other being cut down in your heart when the relationship was finally over? Well, Russ Vitale writes about his relationship with his ex girlfriend in the song "Losing Control" which explains how she is afraid to love again because of how Russ treated her and then cut their tree down. Through the use of figurative language, Russ explains to his ex how it is ok to love and let someone in again. His song is significant and powerful because it explains how love and destruction are two sides of the same coin. Russ's song starts off with the chorus with him explaining to his ex that it is ok to love again. "she's falling in love," yet "losing control" because she, Russ's ex, is afraid to love again and possibly het hurt9line 1).She is "fighting the truth" and hiding her love for her boyfriend because she is scared that he too …show more content…

"She can't help the attraction," because "he's nothing like the last one"(20-21). Essentially, the girl is opening up to the idea that her boyfriend because he treats her right. "He redefines in every way what love is" which gives her hope and the ability to grow(22). With this said, "every now and then, she goes off" because she is still scared that her boyfriend will hurt her(24). So, she pushes him away and beats "on his chest like a bongo"(25). The simile creates and image of a hurt girl banging her hands on a guys chest and basically asking for acceptance for who she is now. However, her boyfriend "understands she's coming from a hurt place" and continues to give her the love she needs(26). Even though he treats her correctly, "still feels haunted" because Russ's damage is done. She will never be the same because she was destroyed and doesn't think she deserves anything better than Russ's lousy excuse of

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