Someone is Always Watching

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Someone is always watching you, judging you on your actions or your words. Whether it is good or bad. Whether it is a family member such as a sibling or grandparent, a lower or higher classmen, or anybody else. Someone is always either looking up to you or judging you. Therefore you should always monitor how you act and the words you use. The way you act can determine the amount of real friends you have, and how much other people like you(teachers, strangers in the store, and anyone else). Siblings look up to you, even if you don’t know it. Your younger sister might see you climb a tree or jump off the steps, she watches you do everything. If it is with an animal, or even your parents, she will follow your lead. Younger cousins are the same way, if you don’t see them very often they might follow you around, or try to impress you. Even if you see them every other day they will still stick close to you. Younger children listen, to everything you say. Julie was about thirteen years old, her family was rude to her cousin (her cousin was married into the family). The little kids in her family gradually became more rude to the little girl, and ended up just leaving her out of their games. Little kids will be rude if the people they look up to are rude. So if their are little kids around you should watch what you say and do. If you are an older sibling then you know that as an older sibling you watch your younger siblings, you watch the way they act towards others. Sometimes older siblings don’t want to admit it but they might admire the way you are, that you can dance that you can sing, or even just you being yourself. I know from experience that older siblings can admire the younger ones. I myself admire my little sister, and sometim... ... middle of paper ... they shouldn’t you will see them glance behind and to the sides of the people they are talking to. This is because they don’t want the teachers to hear what they say. But the thing is teachers hear what you say, they hear the inappropriate things that middle schoolers say, and they see the things that they do. Students think they are being secretive but they aren’t. You should always watch your back, cause people are watching you. They are watching what you, the way you act, the way you talk, and sometimes the way you dress. Siblings and lower classmen will look up to you, while other family members watch to keep you safe, or to see what you are doing. Higher classmen will judge you on how you act and talk. If you monitor your behavior you are better off to not be judged and to be a good role model for younger kids, because………………..someone is always watching you.

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