Soma In Brave New World Essay

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In Brave New World (1932), Aldous Huxley at first presents a utopian society that lives in equilibrium. Huxley goes on to unveil that society is actually a dystopian world ruled by a controlling government. In particular, a drug known as soma illustrates one of the many negative sides of this new world. Soma is a drug that the government dispenses and people take to escape everyday living. In turn, the role soma plays in society creates many problems. These problems include people’s inability to face their problems, soma can lead to one’s death, and soma creates a false illusion of happiness. To begin, soma is a burden to civilization because it prevents people from ever really dealing with their problems. In the new world, the government …show more content…

A great example is a role that soma played in Linda’s early death. Sadly, Linda couldn’t face the harsh reality that neither society nor the Director would accept her, hence the non-stop soma holiday until her death. Huxley demonstrates the negative health effects of soma when he states, “[g]reedily she clamored for ever larger, ever more frequent doses…She took as much as twenty grams a day. ‘Which will finish her off in a month or two…[o]ne day the respiratory center will be paralyzed. No more breathing. Finished’” (Huxley 154). Most alarming is the inevitable death sentence Linda receives because of her continual consumption of soma. Moreover, Huxley magnifies the controversy of using an escape drug like soma when he says, “John raised objections. ‘But aren't you shortening her life by giving her so much?’ ‘In one sense, yes. But in another, we're actually lengthening it…[s]oma may make you lose a few years in time…[b]ut think of the enormous, immeasurable durations it can give you out of time’” (Huxley 154). Huxley argues that the drug seems innocent but in reality actually shortens the length of a person’s life. Unfortunately, the citizens may be aware of this but enjoy the hedonistic pleasures the drug fulfills, blindly accepting the fatal risks involved with taking …show more content…

In society, soma becomes such an integral part of life that many people can’t seem to find a joyful state of mind without the drug. Linda is a prime example. All she desires after meeting with the Director is to consume soma because she enjoys the holiday and the fact that it doesn’t hurt afterward like peyotl (Huxley 154). In truth, she is perceiving happiness while simply escaping the sorrow, at the cost of her life. Huxley goes on to explain why soma isn’t really a source of happiness when he writes, “‘Don't you want to be free and men? Don't you even understand what manhood and freedom are…I'll teach you; I'll make you be free whether you want to or not’” (Huxley 212-213). John gives this speech when the Delta workers are receiving their ration of soma right after his mother has just died. Huxley includes John’s speech to contend that soma is really holding people captive to the false belief that they are happy. In this way, Huxley shows that soma makes people more ignorant of real life, while constantly driving them to seek a nonexistent

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