Peer Pressure In Shooting An Elephant And No Witchcraft For Sale

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Many people experience all different forms of peer pressure throughout their life. There are different types of peer pressure such as to do drugs, or drink or even to just do something completely dumb or against what that specific person believes in. At a teenager age there are many more issues with peer pressure because in these years not only are we vulnerable and curious but the people known as our ‘friends’ have a lot of influence over us. Most of the time we do whatever it is they want us to do to either entertain them or make them happy. Yet that doesn’t mean after the teenage years that peer pressure is completely gone from an adults life. Many adults are continually peer pressured even into old age although it may be a bit more difficult to recognize the peer pressure because it isn’t always defined as peer pressure. In Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell the …show more content…

Also in No Witchcraft for Sale by Doris Lessing the main characters abstinence is tested. Although the main characters are in difficult situations in both these stories there are solutions for the main character in Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell and No Witchcraft for Sale by Doris Lessing. Of course, in Shooting an Elephant the main character is in a tight situation yet there are something’s he could’ve done to get out of it and that was walk away. The main character in this story is a police officer I Burma he is really tested in these times. The main character doesn’t believe in imperialism yet because he is British and they had control over Burma he was inclined to be a police officer here The Burmese people greatly despised him and would spit on him and call him names although it wasn’t his fault, but rather his duty of his country to police these people. One day when he is summoned to take care of an elephant that had been raging through a Bazaar and ruining many thing along with killing people he is put to a test. The

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