Soldotna And Anchorage Health Clinic Case Study

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Robert G Thompson, MD and his Soldotna and Anchorage teams understand that finding the right health clinic for your unique needs is a difficult and often impossible task. Yet, as a patient, it is extremely important that you do not compromise when selecting a health care team to work with. There are many criteria to evaluate before settling on a health clinic, but the most important should be whether or not the clinic’s team is willing to work with you to provide the support and care you need to maintain optimum health for your mind and body.

Robert G Thompson, MD provides a fresh spin on modern day health care, and delivers alternative, holistic, traditional, and integrative medicine to treat his patients’ varying needs. His approach allows him to address issues that go beyond the symptoms, and to drastically restore each patient’s overall health. This could not be done without the patient’s …show more content…

Do you feel comfortable and cared for when you interact with each member of your health clinic? More importantly, do you feel respected? If you cannot answer with a definite “Yes,” the health clinic in question may not be right for you.
Do you feel as if you can be a partner in your own health? The teams at our Soldotna and Anchorage health clinics fully believe that a healthy relationship between the patient and practitioner allows for more improvement in a patient’s overall health. If you do not feel as if your practitioner takes you seriously, or if they do not value your opinion regarding your own health, he or she is likely not the right practitioner for you.
Does your practitioner honor your anxieties and fears? Health care can be a scary thing, especially when it involves more serious matters, such as diagnosis and treatment methods. If your health care practitioner does not do their best to put your mind at ease and propose viable treatment options, he or she is not the practitioner for

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