Sodomy In 80's

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Throughout time, there has been a surplus of issues regarding the rights of the LGBT community. It has been a very rocky road, and things have been improving drastically, especially in the past decade. Nevertheless, things are still far from being equal and discrimination runs rampant. There have been and are currently propositions to grant LGBT people protection from discrimination and refusal of employment, goods, or services based solely on reason they are gay. These advances could prove to be the next step in equality for all people.
Anti-LGBT ideologies and opinions have always been prevalent. For centuries it was frowned upon to people to cross-dress. Sodomy has also been illegal up until the 21st century and for a long period it was …show more content…

There was a huge event that was a huge detriment to the LGBT scene and gay rights organisations and movements. This was the AIDS epidemic of the 80’s. This epidemic had a surplus of nicknames including: gay cancer, gay plague, and even Anally Inflicted Death Sentence. These nicknames all led the populace to believe that AIDS/HIV only affects gay people. A prime example is in the movie Straight Outta Compton when Eazy-E gets diagnosed with HIV he states “But I’m not a faggot”. This perfectly embodies the mentality of people in the 80’s and 90’s; the slur is a great example of how people regarded homosexuals and the common belief that only gay people could get AIDS/HIV. President Reagan called it “nature's revenge on gay men”. This event caused mass hysteria, it led to many gay, or even suspectedly gay individuals to lose their jobs. This discrimination is still legal to this …show more content…

In 2003 the Supreme court nullified sodomy laws. In most states it was legal but in 14 states it was still illegal. In the court case Lawrence V. Texas the Supreme Court ruled that consensual, adult homosexual intercouse was legal and protected by the 14th Amendment. Another monumental decision was made in 2015 when the Supreme Court rules five to four on the Obergefell v. Hodges case stating that same-sex couples are entitled to the fundamental right of

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