Sociology In The Purges Movie

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Sociology is basically everywhere you go, most people don’t think about it, but it is in movies also. Sociology is the study of structure, development and how humans function in society. With sociology our society has been able to detect and study social interactions and changes in the society. The movie The Purge: Election Year is a filmed that was taped two years after The Purge: Anarchy, in which Leo ( the main character) stopped himself from a almost regrettable act on Purge night. In this film, he is the now serving head of security for the Senator, Charlie Roan. His job is to protect her while she runs for president while they try and survive the annual ritual that targets the poor and innocent. This Event last 12 hours in which all …show more content…

This is when two or more people who interact with each other share a common interest, goals, experiences and needs. One group would be the the anti- purge group, they all had the common interest of stopping anyone participating in the purge. Another example would be Leo, Charlie Roan, Joe, Laney and Marco’s they share the common interest of stopping the purge but to do that , Leo has to make sure Roan stays alive so she can run for president. The reason they share this interest is because they know what it is like to lose someone in the purge and they don't want anyone killed anymore based on their wealth status. Another group would be the wealthy people, the Senator running against Roan and the New Founding Fathers of America they are considered groups because they all have the same interest of continuing the purge. The reason they want to do this is because they do not know what it is like to be poor, so they have an advantage of bringing poor people into their house to kill them so they do not have to go out on to the un-safe streets they can just kill people in their …show more content…

In this movie Roan social class is higher than the poor people because she is a Senator, and Leo being her security guard makes him higher than the poor people. This movie also shows Social class because no one is aloud to kill government officials a class rank of 10 or higher which is saying their lives are more important than the less wealthier people. During this movie they pull different classes together and make them one by working together. This is when Roan and Leo show up at Joe’s store and Joe helps them by letting them inside the store, keep in mind Joe is an underclass guy just trying to make ends meet at his store. Joe also has his friends Laney and Marcos with him at his store in which they also help the Senator out by keeping her

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