Sociological Concepts In The Movie The Help

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In the movie The Help its about a young woman called Skeeter who writes a book about the help telling their stories about working for white families which are examples of racial group. Racial groups is “ a group that is socially set apart because of obvious physical differences”(Schaeffer,2011 p7). Racial Group is shown in the movie and how it shows the lifestyles that white and black folks in the movie live differently because of they’re economic status. In this movie I saw many sociological concepts and in this paper I will begin to explain many different types of examples. “The Help” shows the different ways many african americans were limited in life choices because of because of their inequality after the Jim Crow laws got here. The …show more content…

In this movie you can see that the white women wouldn’t really work and would stay home yet they weren’t the ones who would clean, taking care of the kids, and cook. Most of the women here would just pursue the materialistic things and cared about class. Class is “as defined by Max Weber, people who share similar levels of wealth”(Schaeffer, 2011 pg15). Many white women thought that they were superior to the african americans because of their color and is an example of ethnocentrism. Miss Hilly is the antagonist in the movie who seeds ethnocentrism more into the minds of the women that aspire to be like her. Ethnocentrism is described by Schaeffer (2011) as the tendency to assume that ones culture and way of life are superior to all others. Another character called Celia Foote who was white but treated inferior because as what her help told her was that the other women thought she was “white trash”. This movie shows examples of sexism as the town they live in most of the women are usually just home and the men are the one that are the bread makers. One of the male charters said to a girl that all women do in that town was to just try and get married and that was it. The role of most ladies and mothers within the 1950 was restrictive and confining in most ways. Society placed high importance and many expectations on behavior issue that was expected of them in their house and in the publics eye . Girls were supposed to fulfill certain roles, such as a caring mother, a good housewife, and a good better half. The proper mother was also suppose to keep just to the house and nurture therefore society would settle for them. A good housewife had dinner on the table exactly at the instant her husband arrived from work or when he wanted it. A better half was a "good" better half only if she dole out her man's each order

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