Sociological Accounts on Individuals Acquiring Their Identities

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Sociological Accounts on Individuals Acquiring Their Identities The concept of identity has been defined as 'A sense of self that develops as the child differentiates from parents and family and takes a place in society' (Jary and Jary, 1991.) Through the process of socialization, individuals acquire their identities, but this issue cause different understandings according to sociological accounts. Here, I will show these accounts, and make an analysis understood by me. The definition refers to the sense that some one has or who they are, of what is most important about them. Important sources of identities are likely to include nationality, ethnicity, sexuality (homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual), gender and class. (Collins Haralambos and Holborn, , chapter 12, p 885) The main sociological accounts on this issue are: Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, Marxism, Feminism and Giddens' concept of structuration. Functionalism ------------- Functionalism is too deterministic. It emphasizes the roles and identities to relatively passive human are shaped by the needs of the social system. It tends to see all the identities as passive identities (e.g., class identity) and give no choice to individuals about how they behave. Functionalism has a conservative view despite of social change. It neglect the impose roles in society, which force people to do what they do not want to do. They will not always bear the impose roles on themselves and social system. Additionally, the conflicts between different groups of people exist in society, but functionalism seems to not see it.... ... middle of paper ... ...ll as men? Giddens' conception of structuration The two approaches-structuralism and social action can be brought closer together by using Giddens' theory. He sees structures make social action possible, but social actions create the structures. The human behaviour may create the social structure, and then it influences the identity forming. The questions are if people have the power as Gidden said? He may exadderate the ability of people as individuals to change the society and social system. Should he need to think of the degree of human behaviour liberty? Above all, the sociological accounts show different view on individuals acquiring their identities through the process of socialization. Some are in the right, but some are not. We should evaluate them from different aspects as a wide point of view.

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