Social Work Values: Temporary Assistance For Needy Families

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Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): My Values: I feel that TANF is a useful program, because it allows people to have access to things that they would not generally have. It also allows for the opportunity to receive actual help in bettering other people’s lives. I wish more programs like this existed and offered not only monetary support, but also childcare and education assistance. If more programs like TANF existed there would be more opportunity to better one’s self and less of a sense of being trapped in a poor economic condition. Social Work Values: The family unit is recognized as an importance in the field of social work. If a family is in need of temporary assistance, social workers are in full support of this, because …show more content…

Both my personal values and the social work values want to help people in whichever way that they can. I will encourage my clients to take advantage of The Affordable Care Act if they need to. Eric Lindberg wrote an article outlining the effects of The Affordable Care on the profession of social work. What he discovered is that it is valuable to the field, because: “the profession’s increasingly holistic focus on clients in the context of their families and communities, rather than simply in terms of their specific physical or mental ailments, is a major advantage for social work” (Lindberg, 2013). By opening the door to clients that are using the Affordable Care Act as a social worker, I will be allowing more clients to my services. The Affordable Care Act will make it possible for more people to seek out help and be able to have enough money for whatever help they may …show more content…

Although many of the policies in place seem more focused around the children of immigrates and the opportunities they are offered. Such as: “ensure access to higher education for the children of immigrants” and “ensure appropriate immigration-related services to undocumented minors in foster care and, if they are eligible, adjustment of their status before they leave foster care” (NASW, 2015, p. 179). When it comes to working with immigrates: “social workers not only need to be aware of the special needs of this population, but also need to understand the dynamics of migration and the interface between immigration and immigrant policies” (NASW, 2015, p. 178). The immigrates that are coming into the United States are coming from all different cultures, and as social workers, we should do our best to attempt to understand their different customs and

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