Social Work Personal Narrative Examples

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From working in an early childhood centre, I have been able to participate in providing children with learning experiences that promote Māori culture, customs, and traditions. For example, we have recently read the Māori legend, “Maui and the big fish” to the children during mat time. After, we have then participated in creating art work from the story. Secondly, a tradition we have included in the centre, is the use of a Karakia before each meal. My commitment to bicultural development as a student, has been influenced by my studies where I am continuing to gain knowledge and understanding on Te Whāriki. Incorporating my understanding of the principles, especially relationship and family, and community. Gaining a caring and responsive relationship with the children and their whanau. For example, “Children’s learning and development are fostered if the well-being of their family and community is supported; if their family, culture, knowledge and community are respected; and if there is a strong connection and consistency among all the aspects of a child’s world (Ministry of Education, 1996) this quote from Te Whāriki shows just how important it is to provide an environment that welcomes children and their families. Along with creating a teaching practice which supports the idea of building a positive and nurturing relationship not only with the children in early childhood education, also with the parents and other family members. …show more content…

Which I have grown up learning about in my own schooling. I believe that the Māori culture, beliefs and values are just as important as my

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