Social Stability In Brave New World

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Brave New World portrays a story of two different worlds, World State and the Savage Reservation. Choices aren’t made by the people, but simply by the rulers of the government. “Community, Identity and Stability” are the most important aspects of Huxley’s Brave New World. People are grouped into the caste systems and is placed in a community setting to ensure that everyone works together to make sure that every citizen has a society that they live in. By placing the storyline in two distinctive worlds, World State and Reservation, this adds to the perspective that each individual is different and there are certain sacrifices that has to be made to maintain a happy and content lifestyle. The question is are they really worth it. It is in my belief that the sacrifices in the World State require from its citizens are not worth maintaining social stability. …show more content…

Within every member of the community, there is always a connection or a certain relationship that is being maintained. Every character is different. The caste system represents identity and how people are particularly identified. Some groups include Alpha, the smartest and most talented people. Gamma and Epsilons, represent the lowest class system or the laborers in the society. In one part of the story, Lenina says “everyone works for everyone else. We can’t do even without one. Even Epsilons..”. By saying this, Lenina intends to mention that in a community everyone works together. Each person has their own special role. In my personal opinion, it is in my belief that both the present and past society should not be based on our social level. Just because an Alpha is a different class compared to Gamma, both Gamma and Alphas should not be overlooked. If we look at it in a real world, we shouldn’t look down the poor and lower class men with no

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