Social Reconstructionist: Jane Addams View Of Education

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Social Reconstructionist:
Expanding on the approach to encourage children to observe and inquire the world around them and use that as a basis for their learning in the narrative above, social reconstructionist delves into the quest to create a better society through education reconstruction. It engages in the use of education to navigate social change through pedagogy and curriculum reform curriculum that would focus on student experience and taking social action on real problems (Mutch, 2013). Likewise in the narrative, an inquiry-based learning of real life environmental issues were examined. This learning sought to connect the students to their society and issues within it. However, this does not merely prepare the students for what’s out there, a world full of democracy. Chambliss (1996) notices Jane Addams view of education, in that “it affirms the …show more content…

My practicum experience was a perfect example of progressive theory, as it exhibited hands-on learning experiences that were child centred and democratically informed, which are key tenets of progressive education in New Zealand. From the early days of New Zealand‘s formal education system, forward-thinking educators have sought to make classrooms more child centred, relevant, engaging and inclusive. (Mutch, 2013). Despite the economic downturn and the government‘s overt push for standardisation throughout the years, the New Zealand education system has been able to embrace progressive educational ideals and keep them alive. Thus an ideal permeating through and in the face of ongoing social, political and educational criticism. It is this collective dedication to the children and young people of today and tomorrow that gives hope that progressive ideals will continue to underpin educational practices in New Zealand for many years to come, maintaining a strong legacy (Mutch,

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