Social Psychological Perspective Analysis

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My social psychological perspective has changed drastically since the beginning of this course, while I had some sense of the where, how, and why our society flowed the way that does, now I can clearly see the things that manipulate us all. Charles Lemert revealed how “social things” affect our impressions and actions in ways that we do not fully understand or see unless we take the time to step back and fully examine just how interconnected we all are and in what ways. During this class I have begun to understand why there are so many differences between others and myself. I have not been brought up with the same social structures as everyone else, my experiences are vastly different, which is not a negative thing, but it does effect me. As …show more content…

While I know that history is important and that we should know what those before us have done; it had not occurred to me that in my daily actions of caring for my family in the way that I do, that I am passing on what I have previously called a medieval mentality about gender roles. I am taking on a role that my grandmother taught to my mother and that she taught to me. This does not make the habits I have formed bad, but it does make me look at what effect they will have on my children and their …show more content…

When you look through history you can see evidence of these structures, some have never left and others have slowly morphed into other structures before becoming unrecognizable. Christmas is a structure that was established millennia’s ago that still rocks our culture every year in many different ways, from the religious customs and celebrations, to the economic impact of shopping for gifts, to the government holidays that surround this event. Our social structures are the skeletons for our lives, they are the voices from the worlds long forgotten that influence us, without them our world would not be what we know it to

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