Social Process Theories Paper

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Social process theories presuppose that everyone has the potential and the capacity to engage in criminal behavior. These theories share the same view of human nature as the classical theorists on the bases that man is basically evil. Rather than asking what makes individuals criminals, social theories seek to explain why most individuals follow the rules or law as well as why few commit delinquent or criminal behaviors. Social process or learning theory says that all behavior is learned in much the same way and that crime is also learned. It places emphasis on the roles of communication and socialization in the acquisition of learned patterns of criminal behavior and the values supporting that behavior (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 178). Edwin Sutherland’s …show more content…

So according to Sutherland, deviant and criminal behavior is learned in an association with intimate others through interaction, not by just watching it on television or being passive but by being involved. A more hands on approach, being involved in the action with others and communicating two things (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 178). The technique or how to do it and the definition, the attitude that is needed to support delinquency, the why. The content of differential association or patterns presented in association would differ from individual to individual. Differential association was accepted in the 20th century theorists because it combined some psychological principles with sociological principles onto what was perceived as a coherent perspective on criminality. Other principles includes, the specific direction of motives, may vary in frequency, duration, priority and …show more content…

186). Labeling theory is also known as the social reaction theory and its concepts are tagging, labeling, outsider’s primary and secondary deviance, shaming and stigmatic. Everyone at some point has experienced some form of labeling and the powers labeling, some labels are empowering and some can be demeaning. We as individuals are labeled politically, geographically, even on a more personal labeling such as hair color. Unfortunately some are negative in nature and can be carried with a person that create long term consequences. For example offenders are called convicts, ex-cons which can limit them in many areas, such as friends, jobs and even places to live. People tend to react to labels more than they do the person in question. If society tags or label offenders than it gives a sense that rehabilitation is not an option for them and that it creates recidivism (Gay, 2017). The last social process theory is dramaturgical perspective, it depicts that human behavior is centered on the purposeful management of impressions and seeks explanatory powers in the analysis of social performance. The concepts are total institutions, impression management, back and front regions, performance, stigma and spoiled identity.

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