Social Problems Affecting Youth Today and Ways to Solve Them

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Social Problems Affecting Youth Today and Ways to Solve Them Society nowadays isn’t what it was a decade ago. People change and so does the society they live in. The problems that our grandparents experienced with our parents aren’t the same that our parents experience with us. Nowadays, young people are exposed to two major social problems that affect their life negatively. These social problems are drugs and violence. Even though one doesn’t want to be exposed to these problems, it’s impossible because it is everywhere. If one goes to a party, one runs the risk of meeting people doing drugs or fighting. People do this to rebel or fit in the society they live in, others do it to prove to others that they are “cool”. Even though these two social problems walk hand-to-hand, one can exist without the other. Drug use is an increasing problem among teenagers in today's societies. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, these years most crucial in the maturation process. During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are always there, adolescents are curious and vulnerable, and there is “peer pressure” to experiment, and young people have want to from conflicts. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and availability. Drugs addiction among adolescents in turn lead to depression and suicide. One of the most important reasons of teenage drug us... ... middle of paper ... ... resort to violence instead of talking. Young people that use drugs show a lack of patience and therefore resort to violence when they get in a discussion with somebody. So, does this mean that if we solve the drug problem we also solve the violence problem? By solving the drug problem we will merely decrease the violence existing in the world. We must remember that violence lives within almost every human being. If we go back 4000 years we will notice that our ancestors were even more violent than us nowadays. If we go back 2000 years we will notice that war was the main mean of resolving conflicts. The only thing that can be done is making the youth more aware of these problems and making them conscious that they are only destroying themselves and the people around them by using drugs and resorting to violence.

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