Social Ministry Reflection Paper

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To serve in Christian Social Ministry means to spread the love of Christ through social manners such as outreaches, events, and non profit organizations just to name a few ways. Before 1950 the major faith based non profit organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Compassion International and Samaritan’s Purse, did not exist. Today we know two gospels: the social gospel and spiritual gospel. Before there was only one gospel, two were created due to enlightenment and modernism putting Christianity in a situation. Science began inferring with faith. Christianity responded by developing two forms: liberal and conservative. Then there was a realization of poverty on a global scale and a desire to change it. This caused there to be more emphasis …show more content…

After all God is love. Over the Summer I took a mission trip to New York City. We had a team of doctors and nurses in Brooklyn giving free blood pressure checks, heart exams and more and showed God 's love. People were curious why we were doing this for free. I was just a beginner though; I was more learning than doing at that time. Then to my surprise on my way back to Florida a makeup company called Younique caught my eye and they were offering an opportunity to have an online cosmetics business. I never thought I 'd want to sell makeup; I barely wore makeup. In the past I struggle with severe low self esteem issues and was unmotivated for a long time after having my son Julian to even get dressed in the morning was a huge hassle. Then I realized, God 's power through me because my body is a Holy temple for the Holy Trinity. Women came to me to learn how to become more beautiful and in the end I showed them how to be beautiful on the inside. People say they are good people, but what does that really mean? God defines morals since He creates us. Younique is spelled differently to put emphasis on each woman, and sometimes men to show how each person is younique. Their mission is to uplift, empower and validate people. I ask each person who buys my product how they are unique. I enjoy developing relationships with my clients. Once I feel that we are connected I then share with them how the love of Christ can make them truly unique through His gift of grace giving us a new spirit body and being sanctified through adoring prayer, meaningful supplication and heart felt repentance. I never thought Younique would provide me with an opportunity to minister to women. Through this I show women how Jesus will always make them beautiful and unique and how no person can ever provide true happiness because we all have flesh. The more we seek Him though, the more we become unique and

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