Social Media Sociology

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Ever since social media was invented in 1997 with “Six Degrees” as the first known social media site, society has evolved into a level to where kids’ lives are being affected negatively every day. From cyberbullying to cybercrime, kids are continuously endangering themselves to the clutches of the Internet. It has become a part of them and is coming to a point to where they can never live without it and are completely seduced into its malevolent spell, and it’s forming a unwanted generation in the twenty-first century. With reports saying in 2015 that ninety-two percent of kids and teens use social media daily, people argue that social media is good for kids. Parents insist on using sites such as online education. “Social media is a great …show more content…

Although it’s common for there to be no negative correlation between friends and social media, even that had its non-positive attributes. There are three common theories, suggested by researchers on their take on social media apps like Instagram, that usually all take place in some form in kids’ lives concerning social media and friends. The first is “social comparison”, which is very self-explanatory. Every day, every minute, people are posting exciting personal experiences and there are always those people who feel almost jealous and actually feel unhappy about their boring lives since they never have anything exciting to share. Another theory is very common among kids: cyberbullying. Social media gives bullies the power to torture their prey online for, not only their attended school, but the whole world! It’s pretty bad when one can’t even escape bullying from his or her peers even in their own house. The last one is known as finite resources, which can described as time spent on social media during one’s free time. For example, two hours spent on social media is two hours less spent on other activities like sports. Kids are wasting time snapping pictures of themselves that they are missing what’s going on in the real world and are losing precious life-learning

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