Social Media Addiction: Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography
Research question: Should YouTube be more aware and restrictive of the content being uploaded on the site?

Balakrishnan, Janarthanan, and Mark D. Griffiths. "Social Media Addiction: What is the Role of Content in YouTube?" Journal of Behavioral Addictions, vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, p. 364+. Academic OneFile, In their article, Janarthanan Balakrishnan, and Mark D. Griffiths discuss that “internet viewers online addictions are primarily about addictions on the Internet rather than addiction to the Internet, and that most of those with online problematic behavior are addicted to the online content rather than …show more content…

Google Apologizes to Ad Clients for YouTube Content Fiasco.” CBS, 20 March 2017, In this article from CBS, they discussed how ads had been placed in some YouTubers inappropriate videos and Google, which is the owner of YouTube, apologized for these incidents. Google apologized to the Britain government whose ads appeared in content that contained homophobic and anti-semitic messages. In 2016 Britain generated $7.8 billion mainly from advertising. Some of Britain's well-known brands pulled the plug. Also, some of the world’s biggest advertising companies said they were reviewing how they worked with google (Reuters). Google said they would review the content thoroughly and make changes. This serious popular source seems to have done their research. They had facts such as how much the Britain market generated in ads as well as the U.S giant’s global revenue. I did not come across anything in the article that would suggest it is biased. This article is current and I would be using it when discussing if YouTube should be more aware of what YouTubers are uploading. Why would they allow ads to be placed on this content? And how to advertisers feel about …show more content…

In the video a survivor from the Florida Douglas High School shooting was being interviewed about an incident where his friend was confronted by a lifeguard in Los Angeles. The video made it seem as though the survivor, David Hogg was a paid actor, since he had spoken out about gun control due to the shooting in his high school. The interview in the beach however, was show months before the shooting and it was confirmed by a teacher that Hogg was in fact a student and was not an actor. Hogg himself also said he was not an actor. MacMillan stated that the video “was meant to cast doubt on the student’s story of witnessing the Parkland school shooting.” YouTube apologized for the video which was #1 trending saying that it was misclassified due to the news source footage. They removed the video because it violated their policies and YouTube said they were working to improve their systems. Hogg appeared all over social media after this incident and twitter and facebook said they would protect these florida survivors who were being

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