Social Interdependence And Behavioral Research

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There are at least three general theoretical points of view that have guided research on cooperative learning: cognitive developmental, behavioral, and social interdependence. The cognitive-developmental perspective is in large scale based on the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. The work of Piaget and related theorists is based on the criteria that when individuals cooperate on the environment, sociocognitive conflict happens that makes cognitive disequilibrium, which in turn stimulates perspective-taking ability and cognitive development. The work of Vygotsky and related theorists is based on the premise that knowledge is social, constructed from cooperative efforts to learn, comprehend, and solve difficulties. The behavioral learning theory perspective focuses on the impact of group supports and rewards on learning. Skinner focused on group contingencies; Bandura focused on limitation; and Homans, as well as Thibaut and Kelley, focused on the balance of rewards and costs in social exchange among interdependent individuals. While the cognitive-developmental and behavioral theoretical orientations have their followings, by far the theory dealing with cooperation that has generated the most research is social interdependence theory (Deutsch, 1962; Johnson & Johnson, 1989). …show more content…

There are two types of social interdependence: cooperative and competitive. The absence of social interdependence and dependence results in individualistic efforts. Social interdependence is one of the most basic aspects of being a human being and it affects all aspects of our lives (Deutsch,

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