Social Disparity In Australia Essay

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ABORIGINESE SOCIAL AFFILIATION OF DOMINANT GROUP Social disparity and other forms of taste are about and ongoing issues with multiple modern workplaces worldwide. Although many counties are aware of the inequality which aims to ensure fair participation by it aborigines people. It is rare to find countries that still value the culture of their pasts. In particular, Australia appreciate their heritage and the original people who were there before the British came to colonize the land. Australia is a continent and is located dividing the two oceans of Indian and Pacific in the Southern Hemisphere. It is well known for their high and low scenery lands and abundant cities which consist of six states New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Australia is very unique and even have a symbol of a very popular animal called "Kangaroo" as it symbol. The first civilization to come in existence were from the Australian Aborigines. The majority of people think of aboriginal people of Australia are completely different from the white skinned Australian. They often think the aborigines are just immigrants come to live in Australia that most people think is dominated by the whites' majority social group. My goal in this paper is to provide all the sources in understanding of all the fundamentals of why to this day it is still evident that the aborigines still continue to experience profound social problems caused by those with domination in the society. To comprehend this further, it is important to know about their history and what led to where they are today. …show more content…

In this first section, I provide a list of information about the aborigines history of past social life related to inequality caused by the British. Whereas the Second part discusses on the present life involving drastic changes in how Australia is fighting against social

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