Social Construction Of Identity Essay

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Identity is a socially and historically constructed concept. Identity links to question “Who am I?”, it means our individual identities in a broader social historical context and in relation to other groups. Studying identity, it means we study the identity of others through interactions with family, friends, organizations, media and other connections we make in our everyday life.
When we think about identity, we may focus on external markers (what we can see), on our biology or physiology, or how we were born; however, it’s also important to understand that our identities are consisted of ideas, ideologies, and ways of seeing the world around us. Our identities are formed by people who surrounds us whole the life. Parents, friends, classmates, colleagues, teachers-all these people help us to build some parts of our identity. When these relationships are not close, there …show more content…

With comments and ‘likes’ quantifying influence and success on social media, aspiring to gain affirmation is built into the platforms. As sites like Facebook and LinkedIn become increasingly integrated in our social and professional lives, differences between our “real” and online identities can shape not only how others perceive us but our self-perceptions, creating pressure to be more like the often-idealized digital versions of ourselves and our peers.
In fact, everyone has owned at least one profile online where people share a description of their selves, profile pictures, favorite movies, books, music and even some personal information. We do this for a reason, the reason here is that Facebook, twitter or others social network are the places where we are free to express ourselves, to connect with others and socialize, not feel left out since most of my friends are there, or sometimes for school and social and political activism projects. It can be said that online socializing and sharing has play a bigger role in our

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