Social Constraint In 'American Beauty Choolat'

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The protagonists in both American Beauty and Chocolat challenge social constraint and the need to conform, in order to achieve individual freedom. Lester Burnham is a middle aged man who has encountered his mid-life crisis and has lost sight of beauty in the world, but after meeting his Daughter, Jane’s, ‘best-friend’ Angela, Lester falls for her, which challenges social constraint, but at first, Lester only fantasises about her. The director, Sam Mendes, shows that it is a fantasy through recurring techniques through the different fantasies, such as the background becoming black, a spot light on Lester and Angela, rose petals and close ups on both characters. After Lester met his new neighbour’s son Ricky Fitts, he began to see himself in Ricky and remembered a time when he lived without care and “had my[his] whole life ahead of me[him]”. Lester begins to relive his teenage years where he “flipped burgers … party and got laid”, but then defies social constraints to chase after the teenage girl, Angela to hopefully rekindle his youth. Lester’s actions through the movie demonstrates the social constraints on middle aged men showing that one that follows social expectation “sell[s] our[their] souls and work for Satan”. Vianne Rocher in Chocolat, is depicted as working for Satan in Father Reynaud’s eyes, but compared to American Beauty where “work[ing] for Satan” is following the status quo of society but in Chocolat is the opposite where it would be rebellious and one would be an outsider for doing so in the strictly Christian town of Lansquenet. Vianne, as soon as she moved into Lansquenet, was noticed as the outcast as her daughter, Anouk, was illegitimate and they were offering temptation to the town through chocolate during the ...

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...ion is noticeably apart him during his fantasy in which he removes a rose petal from his mouth revealing the lust has become stronger and he is now free, releasing it to the surface. Sam Mendes, in American Beauty, used roses to symbolise social constraint and emancipation, whilst rose petals would symbolise freedom. These symbols were most noticeable when Lester was being controlled by Carolyn, roses inside the vase would be displayed close by, but when he was fantasising and free, rose petals out of the vase were shown scattered around to reveal his freedom. This is much like the bland food symbolising the social constraint that has been forced upon him, and the chocolates symbolising his freedom. Lester as well as Father Reynaud were socially constrained but through temptation found an individual freedom whether it was sought for or led to a downfall of position.

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