Social Commentary in Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

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Social Commentary in Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

The play, Blood Brothers by Willy Russell, is a twisted tale of two brothers born on the same day and from the same womb, yet they live in two entirely different worlds.

In the scene with Russell Eddie and Mickey meeting for the first time. At

first Mickey is suspicious of Eddie, (Mickey – “hello” suspiciously),

but at that innocent age they talking and quickly bond. Eddie is

well-mannered in all his ways – “ill look it up in the dictionary” and

says “pardon”. This shows Eddie has a polite comportment in his

speech– “ill looks it up in the dictionary” and says “pardon”. This

shows Eddie is well educated and polite because of his wealth.

However, Mickey isn’t and Eddie is innocent and because of his

overprotective mother therefore doesn’t know much about reality and

the world around him – Eddie says, “Pissed of. You say smashing things

don’t you? And Mickey says, “Do you know the F word?” Eddie – “pardon,

what does it mean?”

Because the boys are young, they’re innocent and honest about

everything. When they start sharing background information, they soon

find out they are very similar and even share the same age, the same

date of birth. They choose to become blood brothers which will mean a

new stronger relationship. Mickey says,” this mean that we’re blood

brothers” their affection is strong, because they bond so quickly.

When Sammy enters the scene, it becomes tense as he makes fun of

Eddie. Sammy _ “he’s a friggin poshy”, this means Sammy makes fun of

his accent, he instantly recognizes he’s posh. Because Mickey is

Eddie’s blood brother, he defends him as that was one of they’re vows

they made when becoming blood brothers. Mickey and Eddie – “I al...

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as everything’ else? Does she? Eddie does she?” Russell is trying to

show that if you’re wealthy you aren’t going to be happy unless you

have something to keep you going, he needs an achievable goal in life,

Mrs Johnstone had her children, but Mickey only has his pills to keep

him going. He has no hope of a job because of his criminal record, or

his own home. He is terrified that Linda will leave him.

In conclusion Russell is trying to portray that your situation depends

entirely on the way you’re brought up. According to Russell it depends

on nurture; the child that was given away got the better life, it

wouldn’t have mattered which one was given away. As Eddie had the

experience of a wealthy family he got the best opportunities in life.

Mickey has to struggle with reality of being underprivileged, hence

the unfairness of living in Britain.

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