Social Class and Family Groups in To Kill a Mockingbird

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How far do you think Harper Lee has effectively shown social class and

family groups to be important at that time?

The rigid class structure and social stratification of Maycomb County

had a profound effect on the events in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird

by Harper Lee. The impact of this class structure was especially

evident in the trial of Tom Robins on, a Maycomb Negro. The extreme

prejudice of the town eventually led to the unjust conviction of

Robinson for a crime he did not commit. Family groups were also seen

to be important. This is evident when a fire breaks out in Maycomb and

the whole community comes together, just like one big family. They put

all their differences aside in order to help one of the much loved

citizens of Maycomb, Miss Maudie. However, when there is no uproar or

unusual circumstances, the people of Maycomb County tend to stick to

their own morals and own ways of life.

The society of Maycomb County had a definite structure. This structure

contained four classes. The first and upper class consisted of

white/Caucasians who were considered "rich" in the post-depression

years. Characters who fit into this class were Atticus Finch, a

well-off, highly respected lawyer and citizen in town, and Judge

Taylor, the justice of Maycomb County and judge at the Robinson trial.

Other character’s who belonged to this upper class were Miss Maudie

Atkinson, an open- minded, kind woman, and Miss Stephanie Crawford,

the renowned gossip of the town.

The second class in Maycomb County included the lower class, white

workers, and primarily farmers who struggled to make ends meet. The

Cunninghams, Dolphus Raymond, and the mysterious Radley family

represented this group. The third class of Maycomb...

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existed in America is shown within Maycomb.

For example: Atticus is affected as a lawyer as his clients cannot

afford to pay him therefore, causing him to have financial problems.

The Depression is also shown through the Cunningham family within the

book as, their farm struggles. Atticus and the Cunningham's show that

unity takes place as, The Cunningham's cannot afford to pay him for

some work he has done. So they pay him back in ways they can. For

example: Mr Cunningham paid Atticus instalments, he gave him a sack of

hickory nuts etc. When Scout asked her father why he paid him in this

way Atticus simply said; " Because that's the only way he can pay me.

He has no money."

This shows that Atticus understands and does not penalise them

because, they have no other way to pay him. This again shows unity as

he could have refused to work for him.

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