Social Advocacy In Social Justice

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Social advocacy is the act of arguing on behalf of an individual, group, idea, or issue in the pursuit of influencing outcomes. Social advocacy is actually getting out and advocating for a client, they are change agents who speak out on behalf of their clients. Social justice is a belief in a just world that respects and protects human rights. Social justice believes that all individuals deserve fair treatment and equal benefits of the society. It acknowledges that individuals you may encounter in the world and in the health profession may be oppressed or discriminated against.

2. Explain how awareness of concepts such as oppression, power, privilege, and empowerment are important in social justice work, what those terms mean to you professionally and personally, and provide any specific examples of how you have benefited or been oppressed by any of these terms/labels. Awareness of oppression, power, privilege, and empowerment are all important in social justice counseling because despite an individual’s status they deserve fair treatment. Acknowledging that these individuals may be discriminated against and oppressed can help you tailor the advocacy necessary for these individuals. I hold membership in both groups that are considered privileged and oppressed. I believe it is my multiple group memberships in both privileged …show more content…

The dominating group exercises their power by restricting access to resources. The dominate group also instills fear in the subordinate group with negative views about themselves. Personally I look at oppression as a very real term. I am a Black woman so I am oppressed multiple ways by being a member of two groups that have been deemed subordinate. I feel that oppression is systemic and is greatly based on power. It has often been self-justifying through proclaimed superiority. This unequal relationship is unfair and still continues to remain a vital

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