Snowed In Again: A Short Story

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A bright hazy light filtered through the closed windows shining dully. “Are you kidding me? Snowed in again! My spelling bee was today.” A whiny voice called from downstairs. “At least you didn’t have a soccer game in the park today.” “You think you have problems? Mom bought me a satin sash and this was my only chance to wear it!” They sat there sulking for a few minutes before one of them spoke up, “You know what. I’m not going to spend my day being a salty little baby. I’m going to go do something with my life.” One of them pranced to their rooms and came out again fully dressed in winter clothing. “I suppose you're not going to win your first place trophy in soccer.” The other said. “Nah, I going to go jump in a gutter.” They said sarcastically.

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