Snopes Barn Burning

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For instance, when the story opens, Snopes is being accused of burning down the barn of a Mr. Harris. After being warned, by Mr. Harris, to keep the hog in the pen and after giving Snopes wire to fix the pen, it escapes. Mr. Harris becomes angry when he sees “the wire I gave him still rolled on to the spool in his yard” As a result, he wants Snopes to pay him for the hog’s return. Snopes does pay but he sends a “ . . . came with the dollar and got the hog. He said, ‘Wood and hay kin burn.’ I said ‘What?’ That what he say to tell you,’ . . . That night my barn burned” (Kennedy 163). It is clear what happens. Mr. Harris is unable to provide proof, so Snopes is not charged but is told to leave and to never come back but only after leaving a trail of …show more content…

Everything they own is in the back of a wagon, “the sorry residue of the dozen and more movings . . . the battered stove, the broken beds and chairs, the clock inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which would not run, stopped at some . . .” (Kennedy 164). Being poor and the clear difference in lifestyles between Snopes and his previous employers, especially Major de Spain, only fuels the resentment he feels for he comments, “I reckon, I’ll have a word with the man that aims to begin to-morrow owning me body and soul for the next eight months (Kennedy 165). Snopes also uses violence to instill fear and loyalty into his son, Colonel Sartoris Snopes. His son struggles with his father’s behavior and it becomes clear that the boy wants to tell the truth and rise above it all. Out of fear, not really love, he feels he owes his father his loyalty and his father makes sure to tell him, “You’re getting to be a man. You got to learn. You got to learn to stick to your own blood or you ain’t going to have any blood to stick to you” (Kennedy 165). By the end of the story, however, the son makes a decision and begins a new path in life for he warns Major de Spain about his father and, as a result, both his father and older brother are

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