Snapchat Maps

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Social Media is simply various apps or websites created to keep up and share our days with one another in the comfort of our own homes. Social Media practically rules lives nowadays. It is undeniable that we live and breathe social media, whether we use it to connect with relatives or friends abroad or purely because we want to. We are a generation addicted to social media. We thrive on the number of likes on a picture, the number of comments on a post, the number of followers we have and the number of friends we have, and I’m not taking about in real-life, I’m talking online friends. The issue with social media is how it can be used against you, take the idea of falling out with a friend at school for example, the whole situation can be …show more content…

Now with the occurrence of ‘Snapchat Maps’ it makes the feeling of being isolated even harder as people can now see when their ‘friends’ are meeting up and hanging out without them. Instagram has been proven to be the most problematic social media app for teens as people choose only to show the ‘perfect’ side of their lives. This app although it can be argued that it has its benefits, where individuals can search up various quotes from pages that relate to them right now, however the down side to this is that more often than not the searches are for when they are feeling down so the result only makes them feel worse. Most images posted by ‘idols’ are edited and filtered in order to seem perfect. What you don’t see is the hours spent deciding and hundreds of pictures taken in order to find the right one. A quote from the guardian perfectly sums up the feelings of Instagram - “Pressure to be perfect. To look perfect, act perfect, have the perfect body, have the perfect group of friends, the perfect amount of likes on Instagram. Perfect, perfect, perfect. And if you don’t meet these ridiculously high standards, then the self-loathing and bullying

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