Smoothie Ladz Launch

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V. The Launch

In the afternoon of November 17, 2017, outside the Careers Centre on Market Street, the marketing team for Smoothie Ladz launched our creation. Through the use of banner, the puppies, and direct marketing on Ghita, Declan, and mine’s behalf, Smoothie Ladz sold out their entire stock of smoothies and banana bread snacks and to a handful of delivery’s to friends. The use of Ghita’s dogs incited quite a few purchases through associative marketing, for most passerby's at least looked, if not stopped and asked to play with the puppies which we had wrapped in our coats and then decided to buy one of our products (Stone & Desmond, 2007). However, because it was so cold outside, Ghita decided it was safer to bring them home, so Declan and I turned our focus to direct marketing by selling consumers on price and cause over the product (Burns, 2014). We decided to lower our prices from £3 to £1, making them more appealing to students short on money. As well, we really started pushing everything we did for charity, because the idea of smoothies on a …show more content…

Originally, our timeframe for the Smoothie Ladz launch was for mid to late October but, as a result of not getting our desired locations, we didn’t end up launching until mid -November, almost a month later that our goal. The reason for this was Andrew’s inability to punctually send emails to the places we desired to sell. This resulted in Smoothie Ladz not being able to sell outside the academic buildings we’d sought out which severely impeded us for reaching our targeted segment and in the timeframe we’d desired. Luckily, Andrew finally got the approval to sell outside the Careers Center with 3 days notice so we had to scramble to get everything organized for our launch. This three day period between approval and execution really rushed us and prevented us from having the smooth promotional lead up we’d hoped to

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