Smart Devices In The Pedestrian By Ray Bradbury

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Dependence on smart devices
Ray Bradbury is known for writing creepy, futuristic, and sci-fi themed stories. Aspects of multiple stories he wrote have become a reality in present day. In “The Pedestrian” the main character was stopped by a self driving police car and held a conversation with the car. Bradbury has predicted that cars will no longer need to be controlled by humans and can take over dangerous jobs similar to police officers. “The Pedestrian” also describes how rundown the city is because everyone stays inside and uses their devices. The man in the story is arrested by the self driving car because him walking out on the sidewalk is considered “suspicious” Another story Bradbury wrote “August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains” …show more content…

The most popular smart homes are Amazon’s Amazon Echo and Google’ Google Home. Both are able to complete many different tasks including: turning in lights, setting alarms, creating or adding to lists, and answering random questions. Some people will refuse to own one of these smart home devices because they feel like the device is always listening to them even if the creators say the device will only listen if the trigger words are said. Smart homes are becoming more and more popular leading to home automation becoming more and more common. Now that almost any aspect of your house that uses electricity can be controlled from the smart home, people have become dependant on the smart home to perform tasks. For example turning on lights, adjusting the thermostat, turning on coffee pots, and even unlocking doors. If the smart home and the smart lights on a ceiling fan become disconnected, the the owner is left to sit in the dark until they reconnect. Having a smart home control your house can cause major problems if there is a …show more content…

In 2017 Google and other partners have created a driverless car. The car is extremely expensive and not a common vehicle but it exists. Although these driverless cars do not talk they can function similar to how Bradbery described his version. Complete smart homes similar to the one in Bradbery’s story “August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains” that cook and clean themselves do not exist, but the technology is progressing quickly. The closest to his description is the Amazon Echo and Google Home. If technology starts to do everything for us then humans will not learn basic skills and will not know what to do without

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