Small Pox History

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Small Pox is a contagious and possibly fatal virus that has been thought to be around since 10,000 B.C. Smallpox has killed 1 in 3 people infected. Nearly one of ten of the population had been wiped out because of smallpox. The virus was caused by the Variola virus and can only be transmitted by people. Small pox is characterized as a skin rash with vesicles containing fluid that then enlarge to contain pus. Small pox infects a person through the mouth and nose, and then it grows in the mucous membranes. “The last case of Small Pox in the United States was in 1949” (Smallpox Disease Overview). The last case of smallpox in the world was in 1977 in Somalia. An infected person can infect up to 2 to 5 other people but in order for the people to be infected they have to already have the rash and fever.
Small pox was thought to have originated in India or Egypt, the oldest piece of evidence is in 1157 B.C. the victim being pharaoh Ramses V from Egypt. Small Pox has no treatment but can be prevented with a vaccination; the vaccine was created from a virus called vaccinia that helps the body become immune. The vaccine for small pox is the first vaccine ever created. Most people in America under the age of 40 have not had the vaccination for small pox. (Smallpox Fast Facts). “The vaccine is given using a needle that is dipped into the vaccine substance” (Smallpox Disease Overview), but you do not need to have the smallpox vaccination. If a person is given the …show more content…

It was the English scientist called Edward Jenner who found the method of vaccination. “Scientist Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids often got a disease called cowpox and that seemed to make them immune to smallpox.” (Smallpox Symptoms). Jenner’s vaccination strategy was to transfer the virus by taking the blistering fluid from a person with cowpox and give it to someone no had not yet had

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