Slipping Transmission

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No matter what you drive, you can expect to be faced with a number of different problems when it comes to your car, at some point or another. Some of them are easy to identify and easy to fix. Other problems, however, can be harder to identify on your own and take a skilled professional to resolve. One such problem is what is called a slipping transmission, which can mean serious damage to your car, and put you in danger.

A Slipping Transmission

A slipping transmission occurs when your automatic car slips out of gear while driving. When it comes to a slipping transmission, there are some signs you should be watching out for, including: an RPM over 3,500, delays in acceleration, difficulty shifting gears while driving or harsh sounds when shifting, and any strange noises from the car, among others. Should you be experiencing any of these problems, it is important to get your car fixed, otherwise the damage can become much greater, costing you even more money. …show more content…

To find out more about the various causes, contact your mechanic, and see what other possible causes are, with a more detailed explanation.

The Dangers of Slips

If you do not get a transmission slip fixed immediately, and continue to drive the damaged car, you can actually cause further damage to your transmission. Which, when it comes to finally fixing the problem, will mean you are paying even more than you would have initially. But, that is not the only danger you will be faced with when it comes to a slipping transmission.

Stalling is another possibility, which can lead to a serious accident if the car stalls in a dangerous area, such as a highway. This can be even more dangerous during bad weather, when roads are already slick. Rather than risk yourself, or cause more damage to your car, it is best to not drive it anywhere- except the

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