Sleeping While On Duty Hours Essay

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Sleeping while on duty hours can negatively affect that soldier, their battle buddies, and even their mission. It’s an act that can only do harm, whether that soldier be in an active warzone overseas, stationed at a base within the homeland, or even training. It takes discipline to stay awake when it is necessary to, and not being able to keep awake when necessary shows a lack of discipline and effort on that soldier’s part. As a result, that soldier ends up hurting themselves and everyone around them. Sleeping during training may appear to only harm the soldier committing the act, but in reality, it hurts so much more in the long run. For starters, sleeping during class is highly disrespectful to the instructor, who is spending their time to train soldiers because they care. When a soldier sleeps through training they miss the information required to progress in the subject matter, meaning they fall behind in the material, eventually failing their tests and washing back, eventually …show more content…

The results could be catastrophic. A soldier must always be alert and aware of their surroundings. How can they be if they are sleeping? It only takes one set of eyes to spot an ambush, a sniper, or an IED, preventing something terrible from happening. It only takes one set of closed eyes to allow one of those thing to take the lives of soldiers who didn’t need to die. Sleeping on guard is just as dangerous. That soldiers battle buddies trusted them to protect them. If that soldier ends up sleeping, they could get their battle buddies killed, and it would be entirely their fault. In conclusion, sleeping on duty only hurts, nothing of any beneficial value happens as a result of this. It’s incredibly unprofessional, careless and disrespectful of that soldiers superiors. A soldier needs to be mature and capable enough to stay awake during whatever situation they may be in while serving with the U.S.

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