Sleep in Macbeth

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Sleep, as a bodily function, regulates how the body heals itself and how people process events in their lives. Disruption of sleep can cause mild symptoms such as dizziness to a slight loss of fine motor skills to full on hallucinations. It is in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth that sleep plays very different roles in order to influence the plot; in this Scottish play, sleep, in its absence, is a way to express thoughts about troublesome events, a way of showing that a man has gone made, and a way to reveal truths about characters.
Initially, the two characters who heard the witches’ prophecies, Banquo and Macbeth, show a certain amount of angst over what they had just heard. Banquo says, “A heavy summons lies like lead upon me,/And yet would not sleep: merciful powers,/Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature/ Gives way to repose!” In this quote, Banquo is expressing his inability to sleep due to his troubled thoughts, thoughts caused by the witches’ prophecy. In fact, this is the first time a character believes that Macbeth is malevolent in his intent which is later reinforced...

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