Sleep Deprivation's Effect On Memory

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Miao 1
Lin Miao
Instructor: Cristine Rikkers
English, Memory and Forgetting
May 16th 2014

Sleep Deprivation’s Effect on Memory and Remembering

Just how important is sleep when it comes to learning and remembering? In college, many students are overloaded with school work, whether is be due to their personal lives, activities outside of class, procrastination or poor time management skills, students often find themselves giving up sleep to spend time studying for their classes. Is this really such a good idea? During finals week, a period of great stress in college life, students will often times suffer from partial sleep or even complete sleep deprivation, while desperately cramming things into their heads that they hope to be able to remember the next day. A study performed on university business students in Hong Kong found that two thirds of 620 participating university students reported suffering sleep deprivation (Tsui, 2009). The hours of sleep reported by the participants were considerably lower during weekdays compared to on weekends (Tsui, 2009). Sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality are not at all uncommon in university students, especially those attending highly competitive schools.

Miao 2
In order to understand why sleep is so important, we must understand the process of memory consolidation and the role that sleep plays. Memory consolidation uses three specific processes, synaptic consolidation, systems consolidation and reconsolidation. Synaptic consolidation usually lasts less than 24 hours whereas systems consolidation is a slow dynamic process than can take up to 20 years in adults.
According to System Consolidation Of Memory During Sleep, there has been a lot of evidence accumulated over the last 20 ye...

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...2014. .

This article sums up the inventions of Nikola Tesla, it is significant since tesla was a severely sleep deprived individual who accomplished incredible things. Although he died a alone and as a poor man, he is responsible for much of the world as we know it today.

Tsui, YY, and YK Wing. "A Study On The Sleep Patterns And Problems Of University Business Students
In Hong Kong." Journal Of American College Health 58.2 (2009): 167-176. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 15 May 2014.
This study performed in Hong Kong was interesting and helped support the idea that college students are not getting enough sleep and that sleep deprivation is a real problem amongst young adults during their years of studies. Self reported testimonials were collected from university business students.

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