Slavery Chain Song Meaning

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I selected the song “Slavery Chain” because the song was very moving in that there was a deeper meaning or story in the song about how the slaves were shackled to their masters. As a matter of fact, When I read the lyrics of the song, I could feel the echoes of past slaves singing this song and the feelings that they felt. The lyrics “Slavery Chain done broke at last” shows how eager they are to be released from their slave masters, I also think that this suggests at how they were shackled to their slave masters and also implies that that have been waiting a long time for the “slavery chain” to be broken. In fact, I can almost hear them crying out loud about how much they wanted to be free. Furthermore, I was curious about the name of the song, “Slavery Chain” and found out that slave chain gangs or the chaining of slaves together to prevent escape or as a punishment was a relatively common occurrence, this once again shows just what the slaves had to endure, if I were in their position, I would want to be released as well. …show more content…

I think that they saw God as something that they dedicated their lives to and saw him as a symbol of hope. In fact, because of the “till I die” part of the phrase, I researched how the slaves were treated and found out that they were often whipped and physically abused, perhaps they were trying to say that no matter what they had to suffer or endure, they would still believe in God until the end. Additionally, the lyrics “You’re chillun and you shall be free” once again communicates their stubbornness to change their attitude. I think that the slave masters saw this as a problem and tried to deter them from believing in God by whipping and physically abusing

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