Slavery And The Lex Talionis

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The laws in Exodus were given to the Israelites in order for them to function as a society. Slavery along with the Lex Talionis protected the person’s right and provided some form of human dignity and justice. As society changed, the initial purpose for slavery and the Lex Talionis changed and became distorted. Although slavery and justice have differed from the meaning of ancient times, one can still observed some relationship between these customs and issues. To fully grasp the compatibility of the ancient Israel customs, one must define justice. Justice has several definitions, but one that ensures its compatibility with slavery and the Lex Talionis involves “with honoring and recognizing virtues, and the goods implicit in social practices” …show more content…

One example of the slavery law that ensures justice and human dignity is the law about slaves being free after working for six years (Exodus 21:2, ESV). The slaves are given the choice to be free or to continue working for their master. If they choose to leave and if they have a wife, they will leave the master without any fight. If the master provided the slave a wife and they had children, the slave would leave on his own. These rules ensured that there would not be any confusion when the slave decides to leave his master and demands that his wife and children follows him. The law ensuring the freedom to be slaves after the sixth year also protects the slave’s dignity, which prevents the master from believing that their slaves as some …show more content…

Therefore, the Lex Talionis is established. If a person commits a crime, an equivalent punishment is allowed to be executed. The Lex Talionis principle is a technique used to proportionate the punishment of the criminal. This principle is used to protect one’s life, family, and possessions. If a person causes a women a miscarriage, and the baby is harmed, the convict would be judged with the Lex Talionis principle. According to Exodus 21:22-25, the penalty for the baby’s death and the mother’s injury is the offender’s life (ESV). This established fair treatment is a guide for judges to assess the damage that has occurred. This principle signifies the importance of one’s life and how much it is

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