Sky Scanners Case Study

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Let us first answer why Sky Scanner appears to offer the cheapest flights. There are numerous reasons, and one of them is that the airlines offer them a lower rate as an incentive to draw people onto their websites. In addition, they lower their rates to help them compete with other airlines by comparison.

One of the main reasons their prices “appear” lower than other websites is because they compare wildly different types of airline ticket with very different pricing structures. For example, one airline may have a listed price that is lower and inflexible, whereas the other airline may have a higher price that allows you to switch the days you fly. Both tickets prices are held up side-by-side on the website.

A Short Word Of Warning

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SkyScanner doesn’t offer prices from all the airline companies, so you shouldn’t use it exclusively. It is good, but not perfect, so here are a few pros and cons.

Pro - It Is Ideal If You Are Not Bound By Dates

There are plenty of cheap flights for the taking, and the people that really benefit are the ones that are not bound by a date. For example, if you are planning to go somewhere and you can pick your day in the week or month, then you are going to find some great prices. If you have to fly on a certain day, then it is really up to the luck of the draw if you get a good price or not.

There are some people that use this website to find the company and book direct, and there are other people that use the website to find the cheapest companies by comparison. SkyScanner is a strong market research tool, and if you can get a cheaper flight through their website--then you should.

Con - It Signs Checks That Its Ass Can’t …show more content…

It may be worth considering if you are looking for very cheap flights.

4 - Watch The Price Of Your Flight

There are some airlines that have a 24-hour cancellation line. If you cancel within 24 hours of your flight, then they refund your money. If your airline does this, then watch the price of your flight, and if it goes down, then cancel your first and then buy the cheaper flight.

5 - Do Not Put All Your Faith In SkyScanner

For example, if you have a problem with your airline and/or booking company, or if you want a refund, then it is not SkyScanner’s problem. The website is simply a search site with certain sponsorships to push certain airlines over others.

6 - Try To Book Earlier

It is often cheaper if you are planning to book six weeks or more weeks in advance. The Airlines reporting corporation in the US found that flights drop to a below-average price at around the six-week mark.

7 - Sign Up For Email Alerts

Get them from different booking websites and airline companies. When a company is eager to sell its empty seats, it will often pump out a few bargains for their subscribers. These are usually generated before they turn up on other websites because emailing subscribers is faster. Sometimes, if there are only a few seats, they will give priority to their email subscribers rather than informing/updating other

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