Skin Cancer Research Paper

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My paper is about the genetic disease skin cancer which is caused by cancerous cell to spread and form a lump, it’ll happen at any age, the causes, a treatment is chemotherapy, it was discovered by Percivall Pott, and affects the chromosomes.
Skin cancer is caused by a single cell becoming cancerous and growing and eventually forming a lump. It usually happens to areas of your body exposed to too much sunlight and when it occurs it usually forms a dark lesion on your body (or a dark spot with speckles on it). The most common types of skin cancer are melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, atypical fibroxanthoma, and kaposi sarcoma. Symptoms of the disease are a mole that changes in color or size or a dark spot on body. Those are some common facts about skin cancer. …show more content…

If untreated skin cancer rarely spreads but most commonly it would cause the destruction of surrounding skin and tissues. That is how skin cancer affects you if untreated and causes.
A type of cure for the disease is chemotherapy which burns the cancerous cells or opdivo (opdivo is a medicine that works with your immune system to stop the cancer. Though side effects of opdivo are itching, rashes, and(or) blistering. While side effects for chemotherapy are a low chance of fatigue, dyspepsia, constipation, headaches, and erythema. Those are the cures for skin cancer.
Skin cancer affects chromosome 9 by mutating the CDKN2A gene. The gene can be passed down through genetics and it can pop out of nowhere. This can help doctors more easily find out if you’re more susceptible to cancer and might help you one day. That is how cancer affects your genes and how scientist can see if your chances of

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