Skin Cancer Research Paper

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Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the fastest growing types of cancer and age is not a factor. The age of skin cancer is becoming younger and younger. Skin cancer is defined as a cancer that develops in skin cells. Skin cancer is formed by damage to the DNA, cancer tumors begin forming when cells divide rapidly and also unevenly. There are several different types of skin cancers that develop. These will be pointed out and described. The first type of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma (BCC). This type of skin cancer is the least threatening and also one of the most common types of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the least severe type of skin cancer. There are visible signs in order to see if one should get tested for …show more content…

Squamous cell carcinoma is more severe than basal cell carcinoma since this type of skin carcinoma can grow and spread to other areas of the body. There are a few ways to detect squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by firm red nodules, flat sores with a possible scaly crust, a rough scaly patch that can be found on your lip, a sore inside of your mouth or a red raised patch which can be found in your anus or on genitals.The people who are the most at risk of getting squamous cell carcinoma are people who have fair skin, those who have light hair and blue and or green eyes. Also those who have a history of lots of sun exposure are at an all time high risk. Squamous cell carcinoma is diagnosed by an MD. This will be an outpatient procedure. The MD will do a biopsy and test the patch of skin for squamous cell carcinoma through a laboratory. The faster you are diagnosed the faster you are able to start the treatment process. If squamous cells are detected in an early stage and removed they are almost most of the time curable and will not cause major damage. There are many ways to get treated from squamous cell carcinoma. Amongst the treatments are Moh’s micrographic surgery, excisional surgery, curettage and electrodesiccation, cryosurgery, radiation, photodynamic therapy, laser surgery or the use of topical medications. Mohs micrographic surgery is performed with a scalpel or …show more content…

Malignant melanoma is considered to be one of the most serious form of cancer. Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Malignant melanoma is the most deadly since it can metastasize meaning spread throughout to the entire body and even to the internal organs through the lymphatics and blood stream. There are several ways to detect malignant melanoma. One of the systems that is used to detect malignant melanoma is the ABCDE system. This is a check list that is used to detect signs that one may possibly have malignant melanoma. The ABCDE system stands for Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter and Evolving. Changes to any of the characteristics mentioned are cause for one to go to a physician and be examined. The people who are the highest of risk to get malignant melanoma are those who are constantly exposed to UV rays. Malignant melanoma can be both detected and treated. Once the patient is diagnosed with malignant melanoma the patient must have surgery to treat. The way to treat malignant melanoma is through surgery. Excisions are made on the parts which are affected. Since malignant melanoma cells are harder to detect the incisions are drawn out even further out than the affected area and is tested. The only surgery that is available for this type of skin cancer is Mohs Micrographic

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