Skin Cancer Research Paper

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Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cancer cells that is found on someone’s skin. It is the most preventable form of cancer but is also the most common form. This is because people don’t know enough about it so they do not know how harmful it is. Skin cancer is mainly caused by too much exposure to UV rays. Florida is known as the sunshine state, or UV ray state, because of this it is very important to understand all the ramifications of skin cancer. There are three main types of skin cancer; basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma and Squamous cell carcinoma are categorized as nonmelanoma, they are the most treatable and common forms of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma covers 90% of …show more content…

Signs to look for are moles that are larger than a pencil eraser, hard or lumpy, inconsistent in color, itchy, dark, oddly shaped, fifty or more moles on the body, or a new growth. Men are more susceptible to have cancerous moles on the upper backs while women tend to have cancerous moles on the legs. The neck and chest show the earliest signs of cancer because these areas are thinner and more exposed than others (Kevin Cooper, MD). Though skin type and race doesn’t matter, someone who is fair skinned and freckles easily has a greater chance of getting skin cancer than someone who is very dark. People of a darker completion tend to see cancerous spots under the finger and toenails or the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The best method when it comes to checking your moles for signs of skin cancer is the ABCD method. The ABCD method goes as following: A, asymmetry, look for a non-symmetrical shape; B, border, the border may be jagged or hard to make out; C, color, inconsistency in the colors within the mole; D, diameter, shouldn’t be larger than six millimeters (pencil eraser). If a mole favors anything from the ABCD method the patient should see a dermatologist …show more content…

Yet others bring skin cancer upon themselves by not protecting their skin the way they should. The different ways to help prevent skin cancer is to wear sunscreen, whether it is for a beach trip or just a relaxing class of tea with friends on the back porch sunscreen is the biggest and best protector for skin cancer. For the face it is important to wear sunglasses with 100% UV protection, lip balm with SPF, and a facial moisturizer or makeup that contains SPF 15 at the least. Clothing is also something that is very helpful when it comes to protecting your skin; a big hat can be worn to cover the face and shoulders or a long sleeve shirt to protect the arms from the beating sun. The hottest time of the day is 10-2, during these hours more cautious measures should be taken to shield your skin from sun than in earlier or later

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